Hannah's Homepage :p
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Yeah yeah, 'MY HOMEPAGE' and all that jazz...

Well nothing amazing has happenned since you last came - suprise suprise. Well i do have better things to do than fiddle around with highly restricting templates y'know (we'll conveniantly ignore the fact that i have neither the skill nor the time to start from scratch - okay?).

I'm back at school (yayness), i'm also back at work (er, 'less' of the whole yayness thing going on there). Oh, and i'm starting to apply for uni soon ::argh:: well that's just a whole lot of agony i won't go into right now (though who knows if you'll be able to stop me later on...).

I am so totally going to change the poll soon, i promise... and i will revamp and redecorate in here as soon as i get a decent webpage building programme at home (BASIC (!!!) notepad doesn't really do it for me).

Hey diddly. Oh and news from our, er, marketing department - this site is NOT BEST VIEWED using cr*ppy acorn, fresco, whatever, software, the fonts look RUBBISH and none of the images show up. I bet the (funkee) music doesn't work either

Well folks, tha's all for now - tara x

13th Sept 2001


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...like now! Ok, so it's not all *that* special, but they aren't charging a penny and we might as well get the most we can out of those people who insist on those flippin' banners cluttering up my homepage right? So, sign on up:

Click the link below to send me an email. In the subject line put 'email request' and in the comments box put your name and your desired email name for your '@bungle.iwarp.com' address, eg 'stargirl@bungle.iwarp.com'. I will send you a confirmation email containing your password and how to access your email ASAP. You can change the account details (eg password) if you like.
Click Here!

Well i have to have at least one piccy of my namesake :){g}


According to my friends at TheSpark, i am this much of a b*tch - that apparantly *much* higher than average, though i don't understand for a second why...

Be gorgeous and give my mailbox a change from the usual junk that ends up in there every day {g}